What a beautiful day it turned out to be here in the valley. I just had to say that.
This morning, I found another almost bushel of Roma tomatoes on the back stoop. Since I'm done making sauce, I moved on to stewed tomatoes. I love having these on hand; for soups, chili,
casseroles, you name it.

Here is Sadie and my Grandma. Grandma is wonderful at entertaining the kids while I slave away (or so it's starting to feel) in the kitchen. Here it appears as if they are watching the air conditioner as if it were a TV, but I don't think they are. They had just set up dozens of animals and I think they are probably discussing their diets, habitats, predators, etc. Or maybe not.

Romas ready to be washed, have their ends chopped off, be plunged into boiling water, have their skins removed, and go back into the pot to be stewed. And here they are. That wasn't so hard. 18 pints.

The other day Grandma and I were talking about Raisin Pie. I remember eating it at my Grammie's house (the other grandmother). This recipe I found in the
Mennonite Community Cookbook. It looks different than I remember it, so I may have to call Grammie, get her recipe and try again. In the meantime, I won't mind eating this one.

Boiled raisins go in the

Custard made from raisin cooking liquid, sugar (only 1/2 a cup),
flour for thickening, salt, lemon juice and butter, gets poured over the raisins.

Fresh from the oven. Jamey is probably enjoying getting a preview of tonight's dessert. He checks my blog from work. And, according to him,
"Baking desserts for husband leads to inner peace." That's what he wrote on my notepad of ideas for posts. I don't know if I'm ready to give that topic a post of it's own. We'll see....
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