Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Chicken Tractor and Gardens

As you can see, our chicks are growing up. They are two and a half weeks old and have quadrupled their size. They were filling out their pen, so it was time for a move.

This is our chicken tractor. Jamey built it (and Sam and I painted it) a year and a half or so ago when our first flock grew out of the chick pen. Jamey modeled it after one a family from our church has. Chicken tractors are great if you only have a few chickens or if you want a step up for your peeps. Our peeps are too small yet to be allowed to free range on their own and our older chickens aren't used to having little ones around. As the birds trample and eat up the grass under them, you simply lift up on the long handle (on the left) and wheel them to a new spot of grass. We keep the tractor in our back, fenced in area where the other chickens are so they can get used to each other. When the chicks are almost full size, the ones that we haven't harvested will be allowed to free range with the others.

In these photos, you can see their roost and the laying boxes inside the tractor. They won't start laying for another 5 months or so.

It occurred to me that I hadn't posted any photos of our gardens. So, here they are. The first is our main, fenced in garden. I had to stand on a really tall ladder for this photo. I did NOT want to take and post two separate pictures. Don't worry, Jamey was spotting me. We mulch with straw and hay- hence the funny looking 'dirt'.

The second, our "back garden". We call it this because it's in the back.
We are very creative, aren't we?

Here are our Heritage red raspberries which are in between bearing, loaded with blossoms and berry babies.

Now when I show pictures of produce,
you'll have an idea of where it comes from.

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Just a friendly reminder, if you know me personally please try to refrain from using my name. There are those who may try to locate me, break into my pantry and steal my pickled beets. Thanks:-).

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