Thursday, March 28, 2013

Alert: Cookbook Correction!!

Dear friends,

I am utterly embarrassed and once again face-to-face with the fact that I am way-beyond human!!  As if I could ever forget!

If you bought a cookbook from me (either the e-version or paper-version) prior to today (March 28th), please grab a pen and make two much-needed corrections.

On page 90 is the Grape Pie recipe (one of my most favorite pies).  The error is in the method (direction) portion of the recipe.  At the very start of the paragraph it reads, "Combine 1 cup flour and 3/4 cup sugar..."  Here it should read "3 tbsp. flour" (not 1 cup).  And, later in the paragraph, where it reads "3 tbsp. flour", it should read "1 cup flour".  The two got switched!  Also, please note that the 1/4 cup melted butter should be added to the sugar and flour when mixing up the crumbs.

Please, make the corrections and please, please, please forgive me.  If you've already made the pie and it flopped, it wasn't your fault!!  It was mine!!  Please also forward these corrections on to anyone you might have gifted the cookbook.  And be assured that all future cookbooks will have the correction already made.

Thank you so much for understanding.  I'm guessing that you will go easier on me than I will!

Blessings and with great apologies,
Jane Pin It


  1. Please don't feel bad. <3

  2. NO worries, we all make mistakes girl!

  3. Got it. Hadn't made it yet. Thanks! Kay

  4. Done! No big deal. We are human and we all make mistakes. Funny sometimes how you can proof read a section over and over and still miss your mistakes. I do it all the time. Thanks for letting us know.

  5. No worries! I was part of compiling a cookbook for a church fundraiser and our "perfect" book ended up having several mistakes as well, so I know what you're talking about! If I'm reading your recipe correctly, I think you also need to mention the second amount of butter......"blend 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup flour AND 1/4 CUP MELTED BUTTER to make crumbs". Mmmmm, I'm going to have to try this pie, it sounds yummy!

    1. Thank you, Elise. Goodness, me. You all are so very understanding. I'm off to make the needed changes- thank you.


Just a friendly reminder, if you know me personally please try to refrain from using my name. There are those who may try to locate me, break into my pantry and steal my pickled beets. Thanks:-).

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