Monday, February 18, 2013

It's Coming.

And I can't wait.

For much of the winter, my head is down- focused on school work, making dinner, washing dishes, folding laundry, and loading the wood stove.

It's a cozy, close feeling that I really do enjoy but every once in awhile I look out the window while I'm doing those dishes and see the backyard not as it is but as it will be- green, green, green, decorated with butterflies, flowers, children chasing peeps across the yard,

leaves and clothes on the line fluttering in the breeze, birds singing, and bees buzzing.

Bare feet, flip flops, splashes in the kiddie pool, egg basket overflowing, the welcoming coolness of shade,

and the way the sun going down gives everything a vibrant glow.

Sunflowers, raspberries, fresh salads, fans whirling.  These are the things I long for.

But don't worry, winter, by September I'll be longing for you, too.

Seasons, I love you.  God, you rock.

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  1. What a nice reminder on this beautiful, but frozen morning! Have a wonderful week.

  2. Wonderful photos...we're ready for warm weather too.

  3. Well, you are having a nice spring like day in the middle of winter. Where I am it is a stay in the house day with the temperature in the teens. We just had a snow.

  4. Amen! I too live for the seasons and everything that makes each one special!

  5. Your garden is what a garden should look like, the area you live in is a good place for gardens. Here in the midwest we have so many challenges.

  6. It really is going to come again? Promise?? ;-) Love the thought of sheets on the line, bare feet, fresh herbs. Ahhhhh.

  7. I know I should be praying for more snow on the mountains, but I'm so ready for sunshine and green plants.

  8. Very refreshing and a nice thought for a cold windy day.


  9. What a wonderful post. I stayed home from work today because the sky is blue and the sun is shining...I just need to get my hands in some dirt. Thanks for such a beautiful post.

  10. I so agree! I'm ready for each season when it comes - each one is my favorite. I was just talking garden with my husband tonight.

  11. This is exactly what my soul needed this morning in Ohio where we are covered in ice. Blessings to you today!

  12. This year I've been more eager for spring than most years. I just saw the first cherry blossoms last weekend and my heather is bright purple! It's coming!

  13. Discovered your blog today through a friend. It is beautiful!

    "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." Genesis 8:22

  14. Amen!!!
    I am so glad to be visiting your blog again. It's been a little while with our very busy summer so I didn't realise you had a cookbook!!! I am so excited and wanted to congratulate you. And now I intend to read your canning tomatoes post as I've been attempting my very first batch (made lots of chutneys and sauces and canned over the years, but never been brave enough to try just tomatoes before now). I feel like I've revisited with an old friend here :)

  15. I am with you, so looking forward to spring,but in the same token I understand the LoRds reasoning on a winter season.. Maybe if anything to make us appreciate the beauty in all the seasons of life :)


  16. Oh, black-caps. How I long to see you again!


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