
Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Homestead Revival Interview

I'm not sure which one of us started commenting on the other's blog first, but soon Amy and I became friends.  When I first read her, her blog was a combination of family life and homesteading posts.  Before long, Amy sensed that many of her readers longed to hear more about homesteading, so she started a new blog, Homestead Revival.  Amy has a gift, friends.  She does a wonderful job of teaching her readers about different aspects of homesteading.  Whether you have a lot to learn or think you know it all, Amy has something for you.  She also has awesome giveaways, but that's beside the point.

About a month ago, Amy asked me if I wouldn't mind answering some questions for an interview on her blog.  She's started a homestead tour, giving her readers glimpses into fellow homesteader's lives.  She was so very patient with me as I laid the questions aside until I could give them my full attention while on vacation last week.  The interview is up and you can read it here if you like and get a peek at our property layout (hand drawn by me).

Tomorrow?  My {busy} week in pictures.


  1. Thank you, my friend! Hope your day is blessed!

  2. Awesome interview! Very helpful for those of us in the "beginning stages" of "homesteading". I love what you guys are able to do with only a little over an acre and a half. We are in the city with almost an acre and are trying to use it to its full potential. Seeing that you started small with your garden and grew it year after year inspires me. We put in our first garden this year, maybe 20 x 20, and it didn't do well at all. However, we learned a lot and plan on expanding next year.

  3. It was fascinating to hear about your homesteading. Even though I read your blog daily, reading this has given me even more admiration for what you do.
    Keep writing, we are "homesteading" thru your stories!


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